The Bad Guys

Characters' names are listed below:

Quellor.  The Supreme Oppressor of M.A.V.O. Jack W.  Tweeg.  The wannabe villain

Quellor: The Supreme Oppressor of M.A.V.O. and Jack W. Tweeg

L.B.  the bounder.  Tweeg's right hand man King of the Mudblups

L.B. and the Bounders and the Mudblups

A Gutang!  It's coming to get us! Ickly Bognostroclum.  Guardian of the M.A.V.O.  gates

Gutangs and Ickly Bognostroclum

Prince Arin as the Iron Warrior The Wizard of Grundo.  Greedy, yet helpful.

Prince Arin as the Iron Warrior and The Wizard of Wee Gee (The Wizard of

Grundo) and Louie (his assistant)


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